When is the all-in-fee charged?

The current all-in-fee is 0.44% per annum and is charged on a quarterly basis pro rata to the total assets. Please note that the all-in fee is only charged on the securities balances (not on your 3a Cash savings).

Note on the charging of fees:

If your account is no longer adequately covered after fees have been charged, frankly automatically generates a sell order matching the missing amount. Please note that no additional securities orders can be carried out during this sales process until the order has been concluded in full. 

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You can contact us from Monday to Friday between 8 a.m. and 10 p.m. and at weekends between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. on 0800 320 002 or by e-mail at support.frankly@zkb.ch.

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