Terms of Use

Please read the terms of use and the additional legal notices that apply to the (www.frankly.ch) website before proceeding.


Last updated: June 2020

Declaration of agree­ment

By accessing the (www.frankly.ch) website and its sub-pages (hereinafter referred to as the «website») as well as the services, products, information, opinions, documents and functions etc. contained or described therein (hereafter referred to as «information»), you are confirming that you have understood and accepted the terms and conditions of use. Please also read any additional legal notices that apply to the services and products you are using as well as the website's cookie policy on the tracking technology used by the website.

Reservation of the right to amend­ment

The terms of use, legal notices and any information on the website can be amended at any time without prior notice. You should therefore check these terms of use regularly. If you have not understood a provision of the terms of use or do not agree to these terms, please leave the website.

Access and re­stric­tions

The website is intended for people who live in Switzerland. Those who are subject to legislation prohibiting them from accessing the website due to their nationality, place of residence/registered office or for other reasons are not permitted to use the website. Certain services and products described on the website are also subject to restrictions which occur as a result of residency, nationality or customer segmentation, in particular. For this reason, it cannot be ruled out that certain services and products described on the website are not permissible or suitable for you.

No advice and no offer

The information published on the website is intended for informational and advertising purposes. It neither constitutes advice – whether on legal, tax, financial or other aspects – nor a recommendation or offer concerning the purchase or sale of products or the conduct of other transactions or the conclusion of any legal transaction. The fact that you have accessed the website does not make you a customer of the Sparen 3 pension foundation of Zürcher Kantonalbank.

Electronic trans­fer of data and services pro­vid­ed by third par­ties

The website contains forms for supplying personal data such as telephone numbers or email addresses. Such data transmissions are encrypted. Owing to misuse by unauthorised third parties, for example, confidentiality cannot be guaranteed in spite of the encryption. 


Third-party service providers based in Switzerland are involved in certain functions on the website (text message and newsletter services). These third parties store data in Switzerland and handle it confidentially. 


When data is transmitted over an open network that everyone can access (for example, the Internet or text messages), the data may be transmitted across borders, even if both sender and recipient are located in Switzerland. As a rule, information sent by email or by text message etc. is not encrypted when it is transmitted. Such information is therefore not protected under Swiss law. Even in the case of encrypted transmission, the sender and the recipient remain unencrypted. This is why it is possible for third parties (for example, the Internet provider) to infer the existence of a customer relationship. In addition, data that is transmitted electronically is at risk of manipulation and misuse.

Exclusion of war­ran­ty and lia­bil­ity

The Zürcher Kantonalbank Savings 3 Pension Foundation and the Zürcher Kantonalbank Vested Benefits Foundation (hereinafter “Foundations”) exercise customary due care when publishing information on the website. Nonetheless, the Foundations offer no warranty regarding, in particular, the currentness, correctness, accuracy or completeness of any of the information on the website. The Foundations reserve the right to update, amend or delete information at any time without notice. The opinions and assessments expressed on the website reflect the view of the Foundations at the time of publication, and do not constitute a legal, tax or other recommendation of either a general or specific nature.

The information on the website is offered "as is" and "as available". The Foundations offer no guarantees whatsoever that access to the website or individual functions on the website will be free of malfunctions or interruptions, that any errors will be rectified, or that viruses or other dangerous components will not be transmitted during the use of the website.


The Foundations will not be liable for the currentness, correctness, accuracy or completeness of the information on the website. To the extent permitted by law, the Foundations accept no liability whatsoever for direct and/or indirect losses or damage or lost profits arising as a result of using or accessing the information on the website or clicking on links to third-party websites or because it is impossible to use or access such information. This exclusion of liability also applies to any loss or damage arising from third parties manipulating the website. Additionally, the Foundations do not accept any liability for third parties manipulating your IT systems. Any specific agreements between you and the Foundations on electronic services remain reserved. 

Reservation of all intellectual property rights

All information on the website is protected by intellectual property law and belongs to the Zürcher Kantonalbank Savings 3 Pension Foundation, the Zürcher Kantonalbank Vested Benefits Foundation, Zürcher Kantonalbank or third parties. The information may be freely used for private purposes only. No element or information on the website is intended to confer a licence or right to use any registered trademark, logo, image or other content protected by intellectual property law. Without the written consent of the Foundations, systematically retrieving content on the website in order to compile a collection, database or directory, either directly or indirectly, is prohibited.


The Foundations reserve all intellectual property rights in respect of all information on the website, and will take all measures necessary to enforce their rights. 

Links to other web­sites

The website may contain third-party content or links to third-party websites. Links are provided on the website to third-party websites for information purposes and for the purpose of user-friendliness. The Foundations have no influence whatsoever on these third-party websites, and therefore do not accept liability for the accuracy, quality, completeness or legality of the content or the availability of such websites or for any offers or services they contain. The liable party is the operator of the websites consulted via the links. The Foundations cannot be held liable for these websites. You follow links to such websites at your own risk.

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