Do you have any questions about frankly?

This is where you will find answers to our customers' most frequently asked questions.

Pillar 3a

How do I open a frankly account?

Simply download our frankly app here free of charge or register directly on your computer or tablet and open your frankly pillar 3a or vested benefits account (only as a web version) online in just a few minutes. All you need is a smartphone, tablet or computer and an identity card (Swiss ID, Swiss driving licence, Swiss passport, residence permit B or C), which you can scan for a one-time verification.

Who can open a pillar 3a pension plan with frankly?

You can use frankly if you are over 18 years old, live in Switzerland and have a Swiss telephone number. Unfortunately, it is not possible to open a frankly pillar 3a as a US person.

You can pay in to the fund if
- you are affiliated to a pension fund (e.g. employees with AHV income or self-employed persons affiliated with a pension fund) -> maximum CHF 7'056 per year 2024
- you are self-employed (not affiliated with a pension fund) -> maximum 20% of net income or max. CHF 35'280 per year 2024

What is the maximum amount I can pay into pillar 3a in 2024? 

In order to benefit from the tax advantages of pillar 3a, you can pay the following maximum amount into frankly for the year 2024:
- As an employee with a pension fund – max. CHF 7'056
- As a self-employed person (without a pension fund) – a maximum of 20% of your net income, but no more than CHF 35'280

How do I add funds to frankly?

In your frankly app, select «Deposit» under the «+» button. In the web version on your computer or tablet, click on the «Deposit» tile in the logged-in area.

All your pillar 3a accounts will then appear. Select the 3a account you want to pay into. All the information you need for the deposit will then appear, including the IBAN you can pay into. See this blog article for more information on how to make a deposit.

Can I set up a standing order for my frankly pillar 3a?

Yes, that’s a good idea if you want to make regular deposits. You will receive an IBAN for each of your frankly pillar 3a accounts.

You can find the payment details in the frankly app by clicking on «+» and then «Deposit». In the web version, click on the «Deposit» tile in the logged-in area. See this blog article for more information on how to make a deposit.

Can I have more than one frankly pillar 3a account?

A maximum of five pillar 3a accounts can be opened. You can invest in one of the nine frankly investment products in each pillar 3a account. To open another frankly pillar 3a account, go to «Open another Savings 3».

Existing pillar 3a solutions cannot be split into two or more frankly pillar 3a solutions for regulatory reasons and must be transferred in their entirety.

Do I have to deposit a minimum amount on a regular basis? And what is the maximum amount?


Every year you are free to choose whether and how much you want to deposit. You can start from as little as CHF 1 .

For 2024, the maximum deposit limit is CHF 7'056 if you are affiliated with a pension fund. If you are not affiliated with a pension fund, this is 20% of your earned income up to a maximum of CHF 35'280 per year.

Am I committed to a minimum term?

No, you can close your frankly pillar 3a account at any time without notice. You can also sell your securities on a daily basis.

What can I do in the eBanking section of the Zürcher Kantonalbank website regarding frankly?

In the eBanking section of Zürcher Kantonalbank, with an active eBanking contract you have access to your frankly assets and can view and download your frankly documents (e.g. tax documents). In addition, your frankly pillar 3a can be selected as a credit account for individual deposits and standing orders, making it even easier to make deposits to frankly. Securities orders, strategy changes and opening new accounts are still only possible via the frankly app or in the web version.

What is the current interest rate of my frankly pillar 3a, and where can I find it? 

The current interest rate for your frankly pillar 3a cash is 0.80%. In the app, you will find it in the overview under «All about the all-in-fee». Please note that there is no all-in-fee charged on frankly cash savings.

Can I deduct the all-in fee for my pillar 3a from my taxes?

No, unfortunately that’s not possible.

Assets invested in occupational pension plans or restricted private pension accounts are legally exempt from wealth tax and income tax for the entirely of their duration. For this reason, occupational pension assets and restricted private pension savings are not included in the tax return. When filling out your tax return, only the payments you make into pillar 3a – i.e. the information on your frankly tax certificate – are relevant for most people (any early withdrawals also need to be declared).

How can I save on taxes with pillar 3a?

You can find all our tips on saving taxes with your pillar 3a on our tax savings page.

Where can I find documents for my tax return?

You can find most of the documents (including the tax certificate) directly in your profile under «Mailbox», and in the web version in the «Documents» heading under «Receipts».

There is a separate tax certificate for each account.

What is the maximum amount I can deposit in my pillar 3a account in 2024? 

The following maximum amounts apply for pillar 3a in 2024:
- As an employee with a pension fund – max. CHF 7'056
- As a self-employed person (without a pension fund) – maximum 20% of net income but no more than CHF 35'280

Can I keep my securities after I retire?

You can transfer all your securities to a Zürcher Kantonalbank investment solution when you retire, if you so wish. However, units in frankly investment products must be sold because these asset classes cannot be held in a normal custody account, but are exclusively for frankly clients. It is possible to invest in similar investment products with the same investment strategy. Please contact us if you are planning a transfer of this kind.

Is partial withdrawal or splitting possible with frankly pillar 3a upon retirement or transfer to another pension fund?

No, a pillar 3a account can generally only be withdrawn in full or transferred to another pension foundation or life insurance company. This does not apply to the following reasons:
- Purchase into the pension fund and complete closure of the pension gap.
- Existence of a legally binding divorce decree
- Purchase and construction of owner-occupied residential property (WEF)
- Participation in owner-occupied residential property (WEF)
- Repayment of mortgage loans on owner-occupied residential property (WEF)
- Value-preserving and value-enhancing renovations and conversions on owner-occupied residential property (WEF)

How can I withdraw money from my pillar 3a account?

All withdrawal options are stored in the app. Select «Profile» and then «More documents». The forms include all the application forms for withdrawals and advance withdrawals.

Ordinary withdrawal:
-        When you reach AHV age (at the earliest five years before ordinary AHV retirement age)

Early withdrawal:
-        If you wish to finance your own home
-        If you wish to become self-employed
-        If you wish to buy into a pension fund
-        If you receive a full IV pension
-        If you leave Switzerland permanently
-        If you dissolve your current matrimonial property regime, in particular following divorce

Vested benefits

How do I open a frankly vested benefits account? 

Register or log in directly on your computer or tablet and open your frankly vested benefits account online in just a few minutes. All you need is a smartphone, tablet or computer and an identity card (Swiss ID, Swiss driving licence, Swiss passport, residence permit B or C) for a one-time verification.

Are you already a frankly customer?
Simply log in to frankly via computer or tablet. Click on the «fz» tab on the left side of the frankly homepage and open a vested benefits account with frankly.

How do I transfer my vested benefits to frankly?

Log in to frankly via computer or tablet. Click on the «fz» tab on the left on the frankly dashboard and then on «transfer to frankly» in the lower area. We will guide you through the most important points in just a few clicks and do the rest for you.

Print it out and or get the document by mail. All you have to do now is sign.
Send the form by post to your previous occupational pension scheme.

Who can open a frankly vested benefits account? 

You can use frankly if you are over 18 years old, live in Switzerland and have a Swiss telephone number. Unfortunately, it is not possible to open a frankly pillar 3a account if you are a US person.

You can open a frankly vested benefits account if you leave your pension fund before making a claim (e.g. due to old age, death or disability) and you do not have to join a new pension fund (e.g. due to a change of job). In this case you are entitled to termination benefits, which must be paid out according to the cycle of the 2nd pillar (occupational pension scheme). 

In order for your vested benefits to be paid within the 2nd pillar, they must be transferred to a vested benefits account or a vested benefits policy. 

The most common reasons for opening an account include:

  • interruption of employment (going on a long trip, pregnancy, studies, etc.)
  • early termination of gainful employment
  • becoming self-employed
  • losing a job without having a new job lined up
  • if not all the pension assets have to be transferred to a new pension fund
  • divorce

Why don't I see my frankly vested benefits in the app?

frankly vested benefits is only available on the computer or tablet.

What is the second pillar?

Retirement savings in the 2nd pillar are normally paid out via the pension fund (PF). This enables you to maintain the standard of living you are used to in old age or in the event of disability. It also provides cover for your family in the event of your death. If you are over the age of 25 and your gross annual income exceeds CHF 22,050, a monthly contribution is deducted from your income and paid into the pension fund to build up your retirement assets. The 2nd pillar is financed both by yourself as the employee as well as by your employer. Those who are self-employed can join the pension fund voluntarily. The capital from the 2nd pillar can be paid out in old age, either as a monthly pension, a one-off lump sum or a mixture of both.

-> more information on the three-pillar system can be found at Short and sweet: Switzerland’s three-pillar system (

How can I withdraw money from my vested benefits account?

You may withdraw vested benefits assets no earlier than five years before reaching the reference age, but no later than age 70. An early payout is permitted in Switzerland in the following cases:

  • purchasing an owner-occupied residential property
  • repaying a mortgage
  • transferring to another 2nd pillar pension scheme
  • becoming self-employed
  • permanently emigrating (special regulations apply to EU/EFTA states as well as the Principality of Liechtenstein)
  • receiving a full IV pension
  • if the balance on the vested benefits account was less than the annual contribution for the occupational pension scheme (de minimis)

Which investment strategies and products can I choose for my frankly vested benefits?

You can choose between five strategies and eleven investment products. A detailed list of all strategies and products can be found at Investment products (a new page for vested benefits is still being added). Don’t worry, we’ll help you choose when opening a frankly vested benefits account.

Why can’t I invest in the Extreme 95 Responsible or the Extreme 95 Index with my frankly vested benefits?

The Zürcher Kantonalbank Vested Benefits Foundation is subject to the BVG and Foundation Supervisory Authority of the Canton of Zurich (BVS), which is supervised by the Swiss Occupational Pension Supervisory Commission (OAK BV). BVS allows a maximum equity allocation of 85% for vested benefit foundations domiciled in the cantons of Zurich and Schaffhausen. A total of eight regional supervisory authorities are subject to the OAK BV, some of which have differing regulations with regard to the maximum permitted equity allocation in vested benefits.  

What happens to my frankly vested benefits account in the event of a divorce?

In the event of a divorce, the spouses’ vested benefits assets are settled according to the extent determined by the court.

What happens to my frankly vested benefits account if I emigrate?

When moving to an EU/EFTA state, it must be clarified whether or not there is still a social security obligation in the relevant destination country. If there is no social security obligation, the entire pension assets can be withdrawn. If there is a social security obligation, only the extra-mandatory part can be withdrawn from the occupational pension scheme.

The entire pension assets can be withdrawn in all other countries with the exception of the Principality of Liechtenstein.

What happens to my frankly vested benefits in the event of death?

In the event of death, vested benefits are paid out in accordance with the beneficiary clause in Art. 15 of the Ordinance on Vested Benefits in Occupational Retirement, Survivors' and Disability Pension Plans (OLP). Beneficiary status can be changed within a very narrow framework.

How do I transfer my money from my frankly vested benefits account to my new employer’s pension fund?

With the «Application for transfer to another pension fund» form (withdrawal of tax-free lump sum). Simply log in to frankly via computer or tablet. You can find the form in the frankly web version under «Settings» → «Withdraw assets» → «Transfer to another pension scheme or pension fund».

What is the current interest rate of my frankly vested benefits account and where can I find it?

The current interest rate for your vested benefits in cash is 0.40%. In the web version you can find this under «Community discount & terms and conditions».

What can I do in the eBanking section of the Zürcher Kantonalbank website regarding frankly?

In the eBanking section of Zürcher Kantonalbank, with an active eBanking contract you have access to your frankly assets and can view and download your frankly documents (e.g. tax documents). In addition, your frankly pillar 3a can be selected as a credit account for individual deposits and standing orders, making it even easier to make deposits to frankly. Securities orders, strategy changes and opening new accounts are still only possible via the frankly app or in the web version.

Can I keep my securities after I retire?

You can transfer all your securities to a Zürcher Kantonalbank investment solution when you retire, if you so wish. However, units in frankly investment products must be sold because these asset classes cannot be held in a normal custody account, but are exclusively for frankly clients. It is possible to invest in similar investment products with the same investment strategy. You can withdraw your vested benefits from the occupational pension scheme no earlier than five years before reaching the statutory retirement age but no later than the age of 69 for women or 70 for men. Please contact us if you are planning a transfer of this kind.

Am I committed to a minimum term?

No, you can close your frankly vested benefits account at any time without notice. You can also sell your securities on a daily basis.


How do I switch my current 3rd pillar to frankly?

You can also switch an existing pillar 3a to frankly and benefit from the low fees and attractive potential returns. Switching in the frankly app is easy and takes less than a minute. You will find the «Transfer 3a to frankly» button under the big plus sign. In the web version on your computer or tablet, click on the «Transfer» tile. We will guide you through the most important points in just a few clicks and do the rest for you.

> All the key information on how to transfer your pillar 3a to frankly.

When you make the transfer, please note that your securities will be sold and then reinvested. This means that you won’t have any investments for a few days. If you have index-linked funds, you will also be required to pay issuing and redemption fees to the funds. However, the transaction fee will be waived in full if you transfer your account to frankly. The frankly support service will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

frankly tip: If you want to transfer multiple accounts to frankly, we recommend that you open multiple pillar 3a accounts with frankly and issue transfer orders for each frankly pillar 3a.

Does frankly cover my costs for the transfer to frankly from my bank?  

Yes, we will cover the costs of selling your existing securities (transaction costs), the fee for balancing your account, subject to compliance with any notice periods, and any fee for transferring your pillar 3a assets or vested benefits assets. However, no other costs are taken into consideration. In particular, no costs associated with 3a insurance policies will be covered. 

Credits and discounts can only be offset against fees that are actually payable. Unused credits and discounts expire when the account is closed.

How do I request a refund for the transfer costs?

Send the statement of costs from your bank to [email protected]

We will give you a discount on the all-in fee for this amount. We will inform you as soon as we have processed your statement.

Why do I need a physical signature to transfer my existing pillar 3a or vested benefits solution to frankly? 

Unlike when opening a business, the foundation is entrusted with transferring the pension assets when making a transfer order. This order also includes ordering the sale of any securities.

My current pillar 3a assets are pledged as collateral for my mortgage. Is it still possible to transfer to the frankly app? 

If your mortgage is with Zürcher Kantonalbank, it’s easy to place a transfer order. To do this, open your frankly pillar 3a and click on the «+» in the app. Then select «Transfer 3a to frankly». In the frankly web version, click on the «Transfer» tile. We’ll do the rest for you.  

If your mortgage is not with Zürcher Kantonalbank, you must contact your mortgage lender and present the retirement savings agreement from the Zürcher Kantonalbank Savings 3 Pension Foundation. The mortgage lender will then draw up a pledge agreement and send it to us with a notification of pledge. After it is verified, the Zürcher Kantonalbank Savings 3 Pension Foundation will send a confirmation (notification) to your mortgage lender stating that your frankly pillar 3a is pledged in favour of the mortgage. The pension assets can then not be withdrawn or transferred without the pledgee's consent.

Can the securities of an existing ZKB pillar 3 solution be transferred to frankly? 

Making a transfer is not possible.

But you can still switch from ZKB Savings 3 Securities to frankly by placing a transfer order in the frankly app. Simply click on the «+» in the app and select «Transfer 3a to frankly». In the frankly web version, click on the «Transfer» tile. You’ll benefit from the many frankly advantages.

When you transfer, please note that your securities will be sold and then reinvested. In the case of indexed funds, issuing and redemption fees are also payable to the fund, which are now settled using the crossing method. Therefore, the values on the fact sheets are maximum values and may be lower if purchases and sales are made on the same day.

However, the transaction fee will be waived in full if you transfer your account to frankly. The frankly support service will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Investments & products

What return can I achieve with frankly?

You can enter your details into our pension calculator to get a forecast of how much money you could have available when you retire. 

> To the pension calculator (pillar 3a)
> Why should I invest my pillar 3a in securities?

> To the pension calculator (vested benefit)
> Why should I invest my vested benefit in securities?

What investment strategies and products can I choose at frankly?

You can choose between five strategies and thirteen investment products. A detailed list of all frankly pillar 3a strategies and products can be found under investment products. You choose one investment strategy per pillar 3a.* With frankly vested benefits, you can choose between four strategies and ten investment products. A detailed list of all frankly vested benefits strategies and products can be found under investment products. You choose one investment strategy per vested benefits.** Don't worry: we'll help you choose when you open your frankly pillar 3a or vested benefits account.

*With frankly, it is not possible to apply several strategies to the same pillar 3a. But you can open up to five frankly pillar 3a accounts.

**With frankly, it is not possible to apply several strategies to the same vested benefits. You can open up a maximum of two vested benefits accounts.

By the way, did you know?

Test verdict: very good
Handelszeitung, pillar 3a test

frankly is rated as very good in the Category «provider with the best performance over five years». 
Handelszeitung, 1.6.2023

What does the investment mode mean, and where can I change it?

The investment mode in frankly is set up so that you automatically invest in securities as soon as the funds are received.
You can however also set the investment mode to «Do it myself», which means that you can decide for yourself when you invest and what price you sell at. Also choose this option if you want to keep your assets in cash and not in securities.

For each frankly pillar 3a or your frankly vested benefits account you can make the change on the frankly home page by going to the «Investment mode» item right at the bottom

What's the difference between active and index-linked investment strategies?

Active investment strategies are designed to «beat the market» – that is, to achieve better investment success (performance) than the market average. This is done through the targeted selection of particularly promising securities and buying or selling at the best time.

An index-linked investment strategy is an investment strategy that limits itself to replicating the performance of a market one-to-one as far as possible. It does not seek to outperform the market average, but aims not to underperform it either.

I don't want to invest my assets in securities. I would like to keep the account format. Is that possible with frankly?

No problem, frankly offers you a preferential interest rate on your pillar 3a cash assets if you don’t want to invest in securities.

1.     Open frankly and choose the strategy between an account or investment strategy that suits you.
2.     Once you have opened your frankly account you will receive the IBAN for your frankly account. If you have an active eBanking contract with Zürcher Kantonalbank, your frankly pillar 3a will be displayed as a credit account – both for individual and standing orders.
3.     Now you can simply make a deposit and receive a current interest rate of 0.80% on your pillar 3a cash assets and 0.40% on your vested benefits cash assets.

Are you already a frankly client and invested in securities?
Do you want to play it safe and save with your pillar 3a in cash? If yes, simply change your investment mode to “Independent”. As soon as you sell your securities afterwards, your pension assets will automatically be held in cash and earn interest. 

frankly note:
In the long term, securities investments offer higher return opportunities than interest on account balances.

How long will it take for my securities order to be processed?

It takes one to two working days for actively managed investment products, depending on the order, and two to three working days for index-linked investment products, depending on the order. You cannot place an order while another order is being processed.

The securities in frankly’s investment products have forward pricing. This means that orders are collected and then traded at stock exchange closing prices. frankly transmits securities orders to the bank at around 9.00 a.m. on working days.

If an order is placed before 9.00 a.m. on a working day, the actively managed investment products will be traded on the same day at the end-of-day price. The processing of the order is completed on the following working day. You can then see the executed transaction in your app in the late afternoon. If an order is placed on a non-working day or on a working day after 9.00 a.m., it will take one extra working day to process.

For index-linked investment products this process takes one working day longer in each case. If an order is placed before 9.00 a.m. on a working day, it will be traded at the closing price of the following working day. This is because these investment products contain target funds from the Asia/Pacific region whose prices are not available until the following business day. The processing of the order is completed on the following working day. You will see this in the app around late afternoon.

Is it possible to cancel a securities order? 

You can see your last securities order in the frankly overview. As long as the order appears with the status «entered», you can cancel the transaction with the button «cancel order».

How can I adapt my strategy?

You can easily do this at any time in the app. Select your frankly 3a or your frankly vested benefits account whose strategy you want to change and go to «Investment product. Choose «Change investment product» and follow the instructions.

If you make a strategy change and you have already invested in securities, those securities will be sold and the money will be invested in your new investment product as soon as the processing of the sale is completed.

If you change your strategy while a securities order is being processed, these securities will be automatically resold after processing and the money will be reinvested in your new investment product.

Important note:
If your investment mode is set to «autonomous» during this time, only the amount generated by the sale will be invested in your new investment product. If it is set to «automatic», the amount generated by the sale and your entire account balance will be invested in the new investment product.

Can I make staggered investments in securities? 

Yes, this is possible.

frankly distinguishes between a autonomous and an automatic investment mode. In autonomous mode, you enter each investment or sales order in the app yourself.In automatic mode, frankly invests your entire account balance in the desired investment product as soon as your account balance is above CHF 5.

Staggered investments need to be made in autonomous mode. This way, you can decide for yourself when each different amount is invested.

Staggering is also possible by combining the automatic investment mode with a standing order to frankly. Funds added to your pension balance are then invested straight away

How is performance calculated in frankly?

Performance is calculated in frankly using the modified Dietz method, which is based on the MWR (money-weighted return) approach. In contrast to the time-weighted return (TWR), this also takes into account the fact that cash inflows and outflows occur at different times. The MWR methodology also factors in the level of periodic investments. This means that periods with higher cash inflows or outflows are given a higher weighting than periods with lower investments or divestments. It should be noted that in the modified Dietz method the return is calculated from the beginning of the investment process on the average invested capital. In the case of high investments or divestments (e.g. in the case of early withdrawal for owner-occupied residential property), the performance can therefore produce a misleading result as the cash inflows or outflows are still included in the average invested capital.

At frankly, updates of prices and the number of units in the investment products and the corresponding recalculation of the performance do not take place simultaneously. This means that returns may be temporarily presented incorrectly in the evening.

Performance is shown rounded up or down.

Why are the performance values in the eBanking section and mobile banking of Zürcher Kantonalbank and the frankly app different? 

The performance of the total frankly assets is calculated in the app using the modified Dietz method, which is based on the MWR (money-weighted return) approach. The simple performance calculation is applied in eBanking and mobile banking, and then only to the securities holdings

What products do frankly investment products invest in?

frankly’s investment products invest in target funds, which in turn invest in other funds. Investments are made in one to three target funds per asset class. In total, the investment products comprise between 1,300 and 15,000 individual securities.

Does frankly offer sustainable investment products? 

Yes, all active Swisscanto investment products in frankly follow a responsible or strictly sustainable approach.

Find out more about the sustainability of Swisscanto Invest by Zürcher Kantonalbank.

Why is Nestlé included among the Sustainable products and why is it the largest item?

In the Sustainable approach, companies that are involved in a number of controversial business activities are excluded from investment. However, Nestlé is not involved in controversial activities of this kind and also performs better than the average from an ESG perspective within the relevant peer group (sector) – a so-called ESG leader – which means that investing in it is permitted. Suboptimal aspects or aspects which can be improved on from a sustainability perspective are addressed through an active influence (engagement). Many such activities are currently ongoing for Nestlé.

In terms of asset allocation, the Swiss equity market has a relatively high strategic weighting in all products. In addition to this, Nestlé currently represents the highest weighting in the Swiss equity market, meaning that Nestlé is often also the largest portfolio item overall.



What is included in the all-in-fee, what is not included?


The all-in fee is the price that includes the following fees for using frankly.
Please note that the all-in fee is only charged on the securities balances but not on your 3a or vested benfits cash savings.

Opening an account
Account administration
Closing an account
Additions / disposals
Custody of the securities portfolio
Advance withdrawal for home ownership assistance programme*
Pledging for home ownership assistance programme
All-in fee for the investment product

The all-in fee does not include any issue and redemption charges for indexed investment products or any fees and additional costs charged directly to the investment product (for example: bid-ask spreads, commissions, taxes, duties and the total expense ratio (TER) for exchange-traded real estate funds).

Moreover, fees are charged for re-ordering documents and for address enquiries and investigations for dormant pillar 3a or vested benefits assets.

In the case of special expenses incurred by the Foundation (such as time-consuming correction postings caused by the client or a disproportionate number of transactions on the part of the client), fees may be charged at standard bank rates.

*Only applies to the early withdrawal of pillar 3a. A fee of CHF 200 is charged for the early withdrawal of vested benefits. Only purchasing share certificates in a housing cooperative is free of charge.

When ist the all-in-fee charged?

The current all-in-fee is 0.44% per annum and is charged on a quarterly basis pro rata to the total assets. Please note that the all-in fee is only charged on the securities balances (not on your 3a Cash savings).

What is the community discount and how can I benefit from it?

The community discount is a discount for all frankly clients. The more people who use frankly, the cheaper the all-in fee becomes for everyone. You can see how far we are from the next discount level at any time in the overview on «Community discount & terms and conditions».

Recommend us now to speed things up even more.

I have a voucher, how can I redeem it?

If you have a voucher, there are several ways to redeem it:

1.     If you register with frankly, during the opening process you will be taken to the page: «Everything OK». Here you will find the item «Redeem voucher». Simply click on it and enter the voucher code.

2.     If you have already opened a pillar 3a or vested benefits with frankly:

In the frankly app go to your Profile > Vouchers, or from the overview > Current All-in Fee > Vouchers (only for pillar 3a).

In the frankly web version got to Community discount & terms and conditions > Vouchers.

How do I receive the discount / credit using a voucher? 

Once you have redeemed the voucher, it will be listed in the app under Profile > Vouchers or under Summary > About the all-in fee > Active discounts and in the web version under Community discount & terms and conditions > Active discounts. The voucher is automatically offset against your fees during the specified discount period until it is completely used up or expires. 

Of course, you can also find an overview of how much was charged for each voucher in the statement of fees under Profile > Fees.

Is the administrative fee and the TER (Total Expense Ratio) of the funds available in frankly 0.0%?

The flat-rate administrative fee is included in the all-in fee and is therefore always 0.0%. The total expense ratio is a key indicator that contains all fees charged to an investment product. Whenever possible, frankly investment products invest in investment products with a TER of 0.0%. For reasons relating to returns, however, investments may also be made in exchange-traded third-party funds, for example real estate funds. This means that the investment products available in frankly may have a TER between 0.01% and 0.05%.

Please note: The TER of an investment product is a generally recognised key indicator and encompasses all fees.
However, if securities transactions are carried out in the investment product in order to maintain the specified strategy, for example, additional transaction costs (e.g. bid/ask spreads, commissions, taxes or duties) may arise that are not stated in the TER. These transaction costs are charged directly to the investment product.

What are issue and redemption charges, how high are they and why are they not included in the all-in fee for indexed investment products? 

For issues and redemptions in an indexed investment product, securities are traded in the corresponding amount. The associated issue and redemption charges (i.e. standard brokerage fees, commissions, taxes and duties) are charged to the assets of the investment product and billed transparently. In particular, the charges are intended to protect existing investors (dilution protection) and are always credited to the assets of the investment product.

Issue and redemption charges serve only to cover the transaction fees caused by the issue and redemption of shares in the investment product and the associated securities transactions. These charges have to be assumed by the individual investor in order to protect the remaining investors and cannot be included in the all-in fee in advance.

The expenses are now calculated using the crossing method. This means that the values on the fact sheets are maximum values and may be lower if purchases and sales are made on the same day.

Refer a friend & benefit

What credit do I get for a referral and how much does my friend get?

As a new customer, your friend will receive a CHF 35 fee voucher and you will receive a CHF 25 fee credit.

Please note that the voucher for your friends is only valid for new frankly customers within 48 hours of opening their first account. It cannot be used in conjunction with any other voucher codes.

You will be informed and your CHF 25 will be credited automatically as soon as your friend has opened their frankly pillar 3a or frankly vested benefits. The credit only expires once the relevant fees have been incurred. Unused credits expire when the account is closed.

How can I recommend frankly to friends, acquaintances and family and benefit twice over?

This is how you invite someone to frankly:

1.     Open your app and click on the big «+» and then on «Invite a friend & benefit». In the web version, click on the «Recommend» tile.
2.     Send your personal referral code to your friends directly from the frankly profile using the method of your choice (e.g. via Whatsapp, e-mail or social media...). You can recruit as many friends as you want.
3.     Now it’s your friend’s turn.

This is how your friend redeems their voucher:

4.     Clicks on the link given to them and download the app or register online
5.     Opens a fully digital pillar 3a or vested benefits in just a few minutes
6.     Enters voucher code when opening the account and save CHF 35 on their fees
7.     Discovers frankly, makes their first deposit and/or transfers their existing 3rd pillar or vested benefits account (free of charge for all pillar 3a and vested benfits assets held with bank foundations)

Please note that the voucher for your friends is only valid for new frankly customers within 48 hours of opening their first account. It cannot be used in conjunction with any other voucher codes.

As a new customer, your friend will receive a CHF 35 fee voucher and you will receive a CHF 25 fee credit. You will be informed and your CHF 25 will be credited automatically as soon as your friend has opened their frankly pillar 3a or frankly vested benefits. The credit only expires once the relevant fees have been incurred. Unused credits expire when the account is closed.

Please make sure you have set your push and e-mail notifications accordingly so we can keep you informed. You can do this in «Settings» in your profile and in the web version in «Settings» under «Notifications».

What does my friend have to do for me to receive the voucher?

You will receive the credit towards your fees automatically as soon as your friend has opened their frankly pillar 3a or vested benfits and entered the code. In the app this can be seen in your profile under «Vouchers» and in the web version under Community discount & terms and conditions > Active discounts.

Please note that the voucher for your friends is only valid for new frankly customers within 48 hours of opening their first account. It cannot be used in conjunction with any other voucher codes.

My friend has opened their frankly account. How do I receive my credit?

We will inform you via a push notification or an e-mail when your friend has opened their frankly pillar 3a or vested benefits and entered your code. The credit is issued automatically and will be deducted from your next fee statement.

Please make sure you have set your push and e-mail notifications accordingly so we can keep you informed. You can do this via «Settings» in your profile.

Will my code work for multiple friends?

Yes, the code works for multiple friends and there is currently no limit on how many times it can be used.

My friend says that the code is invalid. Why is that?

Please note that the voucher for your friends is only valid for new frankly customers within 48 hours of opening their first account. It cannot be used in conjunction with any other voucher codes.

Where can I see how many successful referrals I have made?

Your balance, including your credits, can be viewed in the app under Profile > Vouchers or in the web version under Community discount & terms and conditions > Active discounts.

My friend invited me to frankly and I forgot to enter my friend’s code. What can I do?

You can still enter the code within 48 hours in the app under Profile > Vouchers or in the web version under community discount & terms and conditions > Active discounts.

Technicals/ Security

What should I do if I have forgotten my password?

Please contact our Support ([email protected]  or phone 0800 320 000).

Can I deposit several telephone numbers with frankly? 

No, your account at frankly is tied to a single phone number. If you have a new phone number, please contact Support on 0800 320 000 or [email protected].

What should I do if I have changed / lost my mobile phone?

Install the frankly app on your new device. You will then need to register again. If you enter your existing phone number during registration, you will be automatically redirected to the login screen, where you can log in with your usual details. If you have a new phone number, please contact support at 0800 320 000.

I can't scan my ID. What do I do now?

How to scan your ID properly: Scanning tips

If it still doesn't work, change the lighting conditions in the room. Make sure you're in a bright place or use your driver's licence instead of your ID card, for example. We also recommend that you close the app completely and try again.

If you continue to have problems, please contact our support service with details of your device and the operating system it uses.

I have a technical problem that I can’t find here. What should I do?

Please contact our support service at 0800 320 000: 
If an error message appears, it would be very helpful if you could take a screenshot of it and send it to us.

How do I contact the frankly support? 

If you need any help regarding frankly, our frankly support team is available from Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 22:00 and at weekends from 09:00 to 18:00 on the following telephone numbers:

National calls:
0800 320 002

International calls (for customers domiciled in Switzerland):
+41 44 293 98 71

How secure is frankly?

frankly follows established security standards. For example, you need to verify your e-mail address and phone number. You must also log in with your password each time before each use.

You can find more about security at frankly here.

When you make a request to withdraw a lump sum, we apply the same due diligence rules as for a traditional pension solution.

What do I need to do if I have changed my name?

In order to change your name we need an official identification document (Swiss ID, driving licence (Switzerland), Swiss passport, alien’s residence permit B or C). You can send this document to us at [email protected]. It must be sent from your confirmed email address on file with frankly for us to be able to make the change.

Where is my money?

Zürcher Kantonalbank's Sparen 3 pension foundation invests your money in the investment product of your choice. The portion of your assets that you do not invest in securities and therefore keep in account form is deposited by the foundation with Zürcher Kantonalbank. Further information can be found in About frankly.

Why does frankly no longer offer support on my smartphone? And what do I need to do to continue using frankly?

For security reasons, your smartphone must meet certain minimum requirements in order to use frankly.

If your smartphone is no longer compatible or if it is not possible to update to the required operating system, we recommend switching to a suitable smartphone.

What are the minimum mobile phone requirements for using frankly?

Google Android

  • compatible with Android smartphones; optimised for the most common models
  • Android 8.0 operating system or higher

Apple iOS

  • compatible with iPhone 6s or higher
  • iOS 14 operating system or higher

Telephone and technical support cannot be guaranteed for older models and devices from the manufacturer Huawei which were launched after 16 May 2019. Further details regarding devices from the manufacturer Huawei can be found on the following page: Link 

In which formats and in which size can I upload my ID card?

In the web version, you can upload your ID as a .png, .jpg or .jpeg image file. Please note that image files must not be larger than 5 MB each.

How does the upload of my ID card work?

In the web version, you have three ways to upload your ID.
1.    via QR code: Scan the QR code and follow the ID scanning process on your mobile phone.

2.    via SMS: We’ll send you a link via SMS that you can use to scan your ID.

3.    Manual upload: Upload a scan of your ID. Please note that we only accept files up to 5 MB in size and in .png, .jpg or .jpeg formats.

In the frankly app, you scan the ID card in the same way as during the registration process.

Do I have the same functions and information in the web version as in the frankly app?

The frankly web version offers you, in addition to the information and functions of the frankly app, the option to open frankly vested benefits. In addition, you can generate a QR code in the web version to make a deposit even easier with your smartphone.

On which browsers does the frankly Web version work?

We recommend the following operating system and browser combinations:

  • Windows: Edge, Firefox, Google Chrome
  • Mac: Edge, Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari


How can I log in to the frankly web version?

For the frankly web version, you can use the same login data as for the app. Please make sure you enter your mobile number with the prefix +41 as shown in the example. If you have forgotten your password, please call our support on 0800 320 000.


How do I grant access to the camera to register? (iOS)

1.    Click on «aA» next to the URL.

2.    Click on «Website Settings».

3.     Click on «Camera» and then on «Allow»

4.     Confirm the change with «Done» and then refresh the page

How do I grant access to the camera to register? (Android)

1.    Click on the lock symbol next to the URL in the Chrome browser.

2.    Click on «Authorisations». 

3.     Grant access to the camera by activating the entry.

4.     Refresh the page and follow the steps again up to the scan.

How can I delete my frankly account?

  • If you want to delete your frankly account, all accounts must first be closed. To do this, go to the download area in your «Profile» and send us the relevant form.
  • As soon as all accounts have been closed, we can delete your access to frankly at your request. To do this, please contact our support on 0800 320 002 or [email protected].
  • Please note that we are not allowed to delete all data immediately for legal reasons.


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