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In Switzerland women receive lower retirement pensions than their male counterparts. We show you what you as a woman can do to protect yourself against pension gaps when you retire – in every phase of life.
We show you what you as a woman can do to protect yourself against pension gaps when you retire – in every phase of life.
The gender pension gap in Switzerland is 34.6%. According to the Federal Statistical Office, women receive on average over one third less from their retirement pensions than men. (Source: Federal Statistic Offfice, 2023)
Women usually have less money at their disposal in old age than men. This is due to what’s known as the pension gap. Women in Switzerland frequently work part-time and take longer breaks during their careers. The reason for this is that women do more unpaid work at home than men such as housework or childcare. That’s not to mention the wage gaps between men and women. After all, women previously had a lower retirement age (64) and therefore less time to save.
The impact is especially large with regard to occupational pension provision (pillar 2). The most recent figures from the Federal Statistical Office on the gender pension gap show that women’s pensions in Switzerland from pillar 2 are around 47% lower than those of their male counterparts. And around one half of all women do not receive any pension from a pension fund at all. Viewed across the pension landscape as a whole, women receive 34.6% less from their retirement pensions in old age than men.
As a woman, you have various options for protecting yourself against pension gaps. There are solutions suitable for all stages in life. You can start investing early on to provide for your retirement. But even later on in life, it’s never too late. We’ve compiled some tips on the steps women can take for their retirement, no matter what age.
By this time you’ve probably already changed jobs a couple of times. Maybe you’ve already had children and taken a break in your career. As individual as women are, there’s an insurance solution to suit every need.
When you work for yourself, you need to take an even more active role in your retirement. You have to report to the Compensation Office of your own accord for your pillar 1. As an independent businesswoman, you’re not automatically affiliated to a pension fund. Maybe you can get insurance through your professional organisation. If you’ve hired people on your payroll, you can join a collective foundation together with them.
Generally speaking, retirement provision affects everyone. But perhaps you are wondering why women or people wih a part-time job in particular need special pension planning?
With this in mind, everybody, and this includes women too, should plan their retirement carefully. After all, we all care about our future.